ใครพอรู้เรื่อง PHP Toolkit Functions หรือการเชื่อมต่อ i5 connect PHP to an AS/400 บ้างครับ |
Code (PHP)
$conn = i5_connect("", "MYUSER", "MYPWD");
if (!$conn) {
Date :
2013-03-12 12:16:12 |
By :
mr.win |
Code (PHP)
/* Basic connection to i5/OS */
$conn = i5_pconnect("i.2.3.4","USER","PWD", array(i5_OPTIONS_IDLE_TIMEOUT=>120))
or die(i5_errormsg());
echo " Connection OK <BR>";
/* Connection error detail in case of failure */
$conn = i5_pconnect("i.2.3.4","MYUSER","MYPWD");
if (!$conn) {
$error = i5_error();
echo " Error during connection\n";
echo "<BR> Error number: ".$error["num"];
echo "<BR> Error category: ".$error["cat"];
echo "<BR> Error message: ".$ error ["msg"];
echo "<BR> Error description: ".$ error ["desc"];
trigger_error("I5 persistent connection fails", E_USER_ERROR);
else {
echo " Connection OK ";
$isnew = i5_get_property(I5_NEW_CONNECTION);
if ($isnew) ) {
echo " New connection. Do some job initialization \n";
/* leaves connection without closing it. */
/* Make it available for another script. */
$ret = i5_close($conn);
echo " I5 disconnected";
$ret = i5_errormsg($conn);
Date :
2013-03-12 12:16:50 |
By :
mr.win |
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