php pdf ใส่เส้นและตัว header บางส่วนในหน้าที่ 2..... |
Code (PHP)
class PDF extends FPDF
function LoadData($file)
//Read file lines
foreach($lines as $line)
return $data;
function Header()
$this->Cell(0,0,iconv( 'UTF-8','TIS-620','หน้าที่... '.$this->PageNo()),0,1,"R");
$this->SetLeftMargin( 30 );
$this->Cell(0,5,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620','บจก. ตั้งใจกลการพัฒนา (ศูนย์ซ่อมบำรุง)'), 0 , 1 );
$this->Cell(0,5,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620','เลขที่ 62/49 ถ.วังตอ ต.ทับเที่ยง อ.เมือง จ.ตรัง 92000'), 0 , 1 );
$this->Cell(0,5,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620','โทรศัพท์ : 081-111-2233 เวลาพิมพ์ ').date('d').'/'. date('m').'/'.( date('Y')+543 ).' '. date('H:i:s'), 0 , 1 );
$this->line(5, 28,200,28);
$this->SetLeftMargin( 5 );
$this->Cell(0,5,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620','ใบสั่งซื้อรถ'), 0 , 1 ,'C' );
$this->Cell( 283 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'กำหนดส่งรถ:' ) , 0 , 1 ,'C' );
$this->Cell( 280 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'วันที่ซื้อรถ :' ) , 0 , 1,'C' );
$this->Cell( 288 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'เลขที่ :') , 0 , 1,'C' );
$objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","1234") or die("Error Connect to Database");
$objDB = mysql_select_db("motor");
$strSQL = "SELECT M.branch_no,M.date_order,E.branch_name,E.address,E.tel
FROM po_detail B, po_mas M,branch E
B.po_id = M.po_id AND
M.branch_no = E.branch_no AND
B.po_id = '".$_GET["po_id"]."' ";
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
$objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery);
$branch_no = $objResult["branch_no"];
$branch_name = $objResult["branch_name"];
$address = $objResult["address"];
$tel = $objResult["tel"];
$date_order = $objResult["date_order"];
$this->Cell( 0 , -10, iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $date_order ) , 0 , 1,'R' );
$this->Cell( 0 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $date_order ) , 0 , 1,'R' );
$this->Cell( 0 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $_GET['po_id'] ) , 0 , 1,'R' );
$this->Cell( 70 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'เบอร์โทร :' ) , 0, 1 , 'L' );
$this->Cell( 70 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'ที่อยู่ :' ) , 0, 1 , 'L' );
$this->Cell( 70 , -10 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'ซื้อรถจากสาขา :') , 0, 1 , 'L' );
$this->Cell( 82 , -10, iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $tel ) , 0 , 1,'C' );
$this->Cell( 86 , -10, iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $address ) , 0 , 1,'C' );
$this->Cell( 140, -10, iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , $branch_no.'-'.$branch_name ) , 0 , 1,'C' );
//ปัดบรรทัด กำหนดความกว้างของบรรทัด 35 หน่วย
//end class
$objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","1234") or die("Error Connect to Database");
$objDB = mysql_select_db("motor");
$strSQL = "SELECT M.branch_no,B.chassis_id,B.machine_id,M.date_order,B.brand,C.type_name,B.color,B.color1,D.color_name,F.color_name1,B.buy,A.brand_name,E.branch_name
FROM po_detail B, po_mas M,brand A,model C,color D,color1 F,branch E
b.po_id = m.po_id AND
a.brand_id = b.brand AND
c.type_id = b.type AND
d.color_id = b.color AND
F.color_id1 = b.color1 AND
M.branch_no = E.branch_no AND
b.po_id = '".$_GET["po_id"]."' ";
//echo mysql_error();
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
$rows = mysql_num_rows($objQuery);
$num=1; //ลำดับที่ 123
$pdf=new PDF('P','mm','A4');
while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
$buy = $objResult["buy"];
$color = $objResult["color"];
$color1 = $objResult["color1"];
$total = $total +$buy;
$pdf->cell(45,8,$objResult["machine_id"]); //ชื่อ
$pdf->cell(35,8,iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620', $objResult["type_name"]));
if ($i%$rows==0){
$pdf->Cell($w[$i],7,iconv('UTF-8', 'TIS-620', $header[$i]));
$pdf->Cell(80,0,iconv( 'UTF-8','TIS-620','__________________________________'),0,1,"C");
$pdf->Cell(320,0,iconv( 'UTF-8','TIS-620','__________________________________'),0,1,"C");
$pdf->Cell(320,0,iconv( 'UTF-8','TIS-620','คู่ค้า'),0,1,"C");
$pdf->Cell(80,0,iconv( 'UTF-8','TIS-620','ฝ่ายจัดซื้อ'),0,1,"C");
Date :
2013-06-18 15:53:53 |
By :
PALM26 |
Load balance : Server 03