// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File name : RS232_Server.php
//Procedure Description:
//RS232_Client the procedures and the demonstration of a complete system in PHP to display
//the RS232 serial communications applications.
//Process to achieve a foundation of integrity, however the RS232 communication protocol
//(HQB232), communication protocol format is as follows:
//C-> S 01 //request for communication
//S-> C 02 //response communications
//C-> S LEN DATA //LEN said data (DATA) that the actual data length of DATA
//C-> S 03 //end communication
//Note: S, said that under the PC C-bit machine
//HQB232 said HonestQiao the basis of presentation (Base) RS232 communication protocol,
//including the agreement
//Request and response, data frame structure.
//Demonstration of the process for request and response communications, document
//delivery (data frame), the end of communication
//Data frame structure of the current data for the current length of the HEX data
//string (2 complement)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
exec('mode COM1: baud=9600 data=8 stop=1 parity=n xon=on');
$fd = dio_open('COM1:', O_RDWR);
die("Error when open COM1");
$ff = dio_stat($fd);print_r($ff);
echo "HQB232 SERVER is listenning on COM1\n";
/// read
$len = 2;
$t=0;while (($t++)<1000)
$data = dio_read($fd, $len);
if ($data) {
echo "S_RECV:01\n";
echo "S_SEND:02\n";