$id_path = $edit_id;
$Po = $_POST["txtPO"];
/*$max = $q2['Po']; */
$Std_value = $_POST[Std_value];
$strSQL = "INSERT INTO inspection_rec SET Pressureball = '".$_POST['txtairpess']."',Weightball ='".$_POST['txtweightball']."',Pera = '".$_POST['txta']."',PerB = '".$_POST['txtb']."',PerC = '".$_POST['txtc']."',Diff = '".$_POST['txtdiff']."',MoldShape = '".$_POST['Rdomold']."',MoldRing = '".$_POST['selectring2']."',Conditionball = '".$_POST['selectcondition2']."' WHERE Std_value = '".$Std_value."' AND Po = '".$Po."' ";
echo $strSQL;
มันเออเร่อแบบนี้ค่ะ หาจุดผิดไม่เจอ ช่วยด้วยค่ะ
INSERT INTO inspection_rec SET Pressureball = '0',Weightball ='0',Pera = 'u',PerB = '',PerC = '',Diff = '',MoldShape = '259',MoldRing = 'ปกติ',Conditionball = 'ปกติ' WHERE Std_value = '' AND Po = '' You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE Std_value = '' AND Po = ''' at line 1
INSERT INTO inspection_rec(Pressureball,Weightball,Pera,PerB,PerC,Diff,MoldShape,MoldRing,Conditionball) VALUE ('".$_POST['txtairpess']."','".$_POST['txtweightball']."','".$_POST['txta']."','".$_POST['txtb']."','".$_POST['txtc']."','".$_POST['txtdiff']."','".$_POST['Rdomold']."','".$_POST['selectring2']."','".$_POST['selectcondition2']."')";