เว็บเป็นอะไรไม่รู้ครับ อยู่ดีๆก็เป็น ช่วยดูหน่อยนะครับ |
server ล่มหรือป่าว
Date :
2013-08-16 12:27:18 |
By :
next |
service mysqld restart หน้าจะหายนะคะ
Date :
2013-08-16 13:49:14 |
By :
MinKs |
ใช้ hosting shared ของ hostgators น่ะครับ สาเหตุเกิดจากอะไรหรอครับ ยังไม่หายเลยครับ
Date :
2013-08-16 13:53:44 |
By :
peap |
Date :
2013-08-16 13:54:06 |
By :
mr.win |
ติดต่อ hostgators แล้ว เค้าบอกว่าสาเหตุมาจากโค๊ดของผม ไม่ได้เกี่ยวกับเค้า แต่ผมว่าเกี่ยวกับเค้าน่ะ เพราะผมยังไม่ได้แก้โค๊ดอะไรเลย
Code (PHP)
## ##
## Copyright �2007 PHP Pro Software LTD. All rights reserved. ##
$fileExtension = (file_exists('includes/global.php')) ? '' : '../';
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/config.php');
define('INCLUDED', 1);
define('DEFAULT_DB_LANGUAGE', 'english');
function getmicrotime()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function memory_get_usage()
if ( substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN')
$output = array();
exec( 'tasklist /FI "PID eq ' . getmypid() . '" /FO LIST', $output );
return preg_replace( '/[\D]/', '', $output[5] ) * 1024;
//We now assume the OS is UNIX
$pid = getmypid();
exec("ps -eo%mem,rss,pid | grep $pid", $output);
$output = explode(" ", $output[0]);
//rss is given in 1024 byte units
return $output[1] * 1024;
$time_start = getmicrotime();
##$memory_start = memory_get_usage();
include_once ($fileExtension.'language/'.DEFAULT_DB_LANGUAGE.'/db.lang.php');
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_database.php');
$db = new database;
$db->connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);
$db->display_errors = true;
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_session.php'); ## global
## create the session class, will contain all session variables.
$session = new session;
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/init.php'); ## global
$current_version = '6.05';
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/functions_security.php');
* sanitize order_type and order_field variables
$_REQUEST['order_type'] = (in_array($_REQUEST['order_type'], array('ASC', 'DESC'))) ? $_REQUEST['order_type'] : 'DESC';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['order_field']))
$order_field_explode = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['order_field']);
if (count($order_field_explode) > 1)
die('Fatal Error: Query Prohibited');
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/functions.php'); ## global
@include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/functions_integration.php'); ## PPB & PPA Integration
## now do the theme alterations in case of categories and auction_details
$is_custom_skin = 0;
if (eregi('categories.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
$category_id = $db->main_category(intval($_GET['parent_id']));
$is_custom_skin = 1;
else if (eregi('auction_details.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
$category_id = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT category_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE
auction_id='" . intval($_GET['auction_id']) . "'", 'category_id');
$category_id = $db->main_category($category_id);
$is_custom_skin = 1;
if ($is_custom_skin)
$custom_skin = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT custom_skin FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE
category_id='" . $category_id . "'", 'custom_skin');
if (!empty($custom_skin))
$setts['default_theme'] = $custom_skin;
define ('DEFAULT_THEME', $custom_skin);
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_template.php');
## initialize the template for the output that will be generated
$template = new template('templates/');
$template->set('setts', $setts);
$template->set('layout', $layout);
$template->set('current_version', $current_version);
$template->set('is_seller', $session->value('is_seller'));
(string) $template_output = NULL;
if ($setts['maintenance_mode'] && $session->value('adminarea')!='Active' && IN_ADMIN != 1)
$template_output = $template->process('maintenance_splash_page.tpl.php');
echo $template_output;
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_voucher.php');
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_fees_main.php');
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_tax.php');
$fees = new fees_main();
$fees->setts = &$setts;
$template->set('fees', $fees);
$template->set('db', $db);
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_banner.php');
## classes used in most files will be initialized here.
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/functions_date.php');
## declare all the pages that can contain custom fields
$custom_fields_pages = array ('register', 'reputation_sale', 'reputation_purchase', 'auction', 'wanted_ad');
## custom section pages
$custom_section_pages = array ('help', 'news', 'faq', 'custom_page', 'announcements');
$custom_section_pages_ordering = array('help', 'faq', 'custom_page');
$custom_pages = array('about_us', 'contact_us', 'terms', 'privacy');
## declare all tables that are linkable to custom fields
$linkable_tables = array('countries');
## load the cron if it is run from the site.
if ($setts['cron_job_type'] == 2 && IN_ADMIN != 1)
$manual_cron = true;
include_once ($fileExtension . 'cron_jobs/main_cron.php');
$auction_ordering = array('a.name', 'a.start_price', 'a.max_bid', 'a.nb_bids', 'a.end_time');
$order_types = array('DESC', 'ASC');
## suspend user accounts that are over the debit limit. -> placeholder
### IP Logging addon, created by Kevin
if ($session->value('user_id') > 0)
$set = 0;
$db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory (
`memberid` INT NOT NULL,
`time1` INT NOT NULL,
`time2` INT NOT NULL,
$sql_select_iphistory = $db->query("SELECT time1, time2, ip FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory WHERE
memberid='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER by time1 DESC LIMIT 1");
if ($db->num_rows($sql_select_iphistory) > 0)
if ($ip_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_iphistory))
if ($ip_details['ip'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory SET time2='" . CURRENT_TIME . "' WHERE
time1='" . $ip_details['time1'] . "' AND ip='" . $ip_details['ip'] . "'");
$set = 1;
if (!$set)
$db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory VALUES
('" . $session->value('user_id') . "', '" . CURRENT_TIME . "', '0', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')");
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/class_shop.php');
include_once ($fileExtension.'includes/functions_addons.php');
ประวัติการแก้ไข 2013-08-16 14:46:33
Date :
2013-08-16 14:36:29 |
By :
peap |
Load balance : Server 04