select flight_date , MONTH(flight_date)as months, DAY(flight_date)as days
from ka_flight_sche
where DAY(flight_date) in ('10')
and MONTH(flight_date) in ('3')
and YEAR(flight_date) in ('2013')
select flight_date , MONTH(flight_date)as months, DAY(flight_date)as days
from ka_flight_sche
where DAY(flight_date) in ('10')
and MONTH(flight_date) in ('')
and YEAR(flight_date) in ('2013')
select convert(varchar, flight_date, 103) AS fligthDate,SUBSTRING (convert(varchar, flight_date, 103),0,3) AS days,SUBSTRING (convert(varchar, flight_date, 103),4,2) AS months
from ka_flight_sche
where SUBSTRING (convert(varchar, flight_date, 103),4,2) like '%03%'
and SUBSTRING (convert(varchar, flight_date, 103),0,3) like '%%'
and YEAR(flight_date) like '2013'