// Including all required classes
// Including the barcode technology
// Loading Font
$font =& new BCGFont('./class/font/Arial.ttf', 12);
// The arguments are R, G, B for color.
$color_black =& new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$color_white =& new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);
$code =& new BCGcode39();
$code->setScale(3); // Resolution
$code->setThickness(40); // Thickness
$code->setForegroundColor($color_black); // Color of bars
$code->setBackgroundColor($color_white); // Color of spaces
$code->setFont($font); // Font (or 0)
$text = 'abcdefg';
$code->parse($text); // Text
/* Here is the list of the arguments
1 - Filename (empty : display on screen)
2 - Background color */
$drawing =& new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);
// Header that says it is an image (remove it if you save the barcode to a file)
header('Content-Type: image/png');
// Draw (or save) the image into PNG format.