Code (PHP)
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
$sql1 = "select * from tbl_reviewer where rv1_id = '$id' or rv2_id = '$id' or rv3_id = '$id' ORDER BY id ASC ";
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
$sql = "select * from tbl_paper_user where id = '$row1[paper_id]' ORDER BY id ASC ";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$eva_row = num_record("tbl_eva","where paper_id = '$row[id]' and rv_id = '$id'");
$eva_data = select("tbl_eva","where paper_id = '$row[id]' and rv_id = '$id'");
<td width="550" style="font-size:13px"><b>Title of Paper : <?=$row[paper_name]?></b> <br><br>
<? if ($row[paper_ab] != ""){?>
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เมื่อกดปุ่ม view abstarct ในแถวแรกจะแสดง Msgbox

แต่เมื่อกดปุ่ม view abstarct ในแถวที่สองก็จะแสดง Msgbox ของแถวแรกขึ้นมาครับ
ทำยังไงถึงจะแสดง Msgbox ตามข้อมูลของแต่ละแถวได้ครับ
Date :
2014-11-21 10:19:26 |
By :
pungpoo |
View :
934 |
Reply :
2 |