ขอความช่วยเหลือหน่อยเกี่ยวกับการแสดงโฟเดอร์รูปภาพ อยากให้ sort folder จากวันที่ปัจจุบันขึ้นก่อน จะแก้ code ตรงไหนในส่วนไหนอะครับ |
Code (PHP)
// error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// photo gallery settings
$mainFolder = 'albums'; // folder where your albums are located - relative to root
$albumsPerPage = '12'; // number of albums per page
$itemsPerPage = '12'; // number of images per page
$thumb_width = '150'; // width of thumbnails
//$thumb_height = '85'; // height of thumbnails
$extensions = array(".jpg",".png",".gif",".JPG",".PNG",".GIF"); // allowed extensions in photo gallery
// create thumbnails from images
function make_thumb($folder,$src,$dest,$thumb_width) {
$source_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($folder.'/'.$src);
$width = imagesx($source_image);
$height = imagesy($source_image);
$thumb_height = floor($height*($thumb_width/$width));
$virtual_image = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width,$thumb_height);
// display pagination
function print_pagination($numPages,$urlVars,$currentPage) {
if ($numPages > 1) {
echo 'Page '. $currentPage .' of '. $numPages;
echo ' ';
if ($currentPage > 1) {
$prevPage = $currentPage - 1;
echo '<a href="?'. $urlVars .'p='. $prevPage.'">««</a> ';
for( $e=0; $e < $numPages; $e++ ) {
$p = $e + 1;
if ($p == $currentPage) {
$class = 'current-paginate';
} else {
$class = 'paginate';
echo '<a class="'. $class .'" href="?'. $urlVars .'p='. $p .'">'. $p .'</a>';
if ($currentPage != $numPages) {
$nextPage = $currentPage + 1;
echo ' <a href="?'. $urlVars .'p='. $nextPage.'">»»</a>';
if (!isset($_GET['album'])) {
// display list of albums
$folders = scandir($mainFolder, 0);
$ignore = array('.', '..', 'thumbs');
$albums = array();
$captions = array();
$random_pics = array();
foreach($folders as $album) {
if(!in_array($album, $ignore)) {
array_push( $albums, $album );
$caption = substr($album,0,20);
array_push( $captions, $caption );
$rand_dirs = glob($mainFolder.'/'.$album.'/thumbs/*.*', GLOB_NOSORT);
$rand_pic = $rand_dirs[array_rand($rand_dirs)];
array_push( $random_pics, $rand_pic );
if( count($albums) == 0 ) {
echo 'There are currently no albums.';
} else {
$numPages = ceil( count($albums) / $albumsPerPage );
if(isset($_GET['p'])) {
$currentPage = $_GET['p'];
if($currentPage > $numPages) {
$currentPage = $numPages;
} else {
$start = ( $currentPage * $albumsPerPage ) - $albumsPerPage;
echo '<div class="titlebar">
<div class="float-left"><span class="title">Photo Gallery</span> - Albums</div>
<div class="float-right">'.count($albums).' albums</div>
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
for( $i=$start; $i<$start + $albumsPerPage; $i++ ) {
if( isset($albums[$i]) ) {
echo '<div class="thumb-album shadow">
<div class="thumb-wrapper">
<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?album='. urlencode($albums[$i]) .'">
<img src="'. $random_pics[$i] .'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" alt="" />
<div class="p5"></div>
<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?album='. urlencode($albums[$i]) .'">
<span class="caption">'. $captions[$i] .'</span>
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '<div align="center" class="paginate-wrapper">';
$urlVars = "";
echo '</div>';
} else {
// display photos in album
$src_folder = $mainFolder.'/'.$_GET['album'];
$src_files = scandir($src_folder);
$files = array();
foreach($src_files as $file) {
$ext = strrchr($file, '.');
if(in_array($ext, $extensions)) {
array_push( $files, $file );
if (!is_dir($src_folder.'/thumbs')) {
chmod($src_folder.'/thumbs', 0777);
//chown($src_folder.'/thumbs', 'apache');
$thumb = $src_folder.'/thumbs/'.$file;
if (!file_exists($thumb)) {
if ( count($files) == 0 ) {
echo 'There are no photos in this album!';
} else {
$numPages = ceil( count($files) / $itemsPerPage );
if(isset($_GET['p'])) {
$currentPage = $_GET['p'];
if($currentPage > $numPages) {
$currentPage = $numPages;
} else {
$start = ( $currentPage * $itemsPerPage ) - $itemsPerPage;
echo '<div class="titlebar">
<div class="float-left"><span class="title">'. $_GET['album'] .'</span> - <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">View All Albums</a></div>
<div class="float-right">'.count($files).' images</div>
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
for( $i=$start; $i<$start + $itemsPerPage; $i++ ) {
if( isset($files[$i]) && is_file( $src_folder .'/'. $files[$i] ) ) {
echo '<div class="thumb shadow">
<div class="thumb-wrapper">
<a href="'. $src_folder .'/'. $files[$i] .'" class="albumpix" rel="albumpix">
<img src="'. $src_folder .'/thumbs/'. $files[$i] .'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" alt="" />
} else {
if( isset($files[$i]) ) {
echo $files[$i];
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '<div align="center" class="paginate-wrapper">';
$urlVars = "album=".urlencode($_GET['album'])."&";
echo '</div>';
} // end else
Tag : PHP
ประวัติการแก้ไข 2014-12-18 10:13:13
Date :
2014-12-18 10:10:54 |
By :
wooddy_8 |
View :
737 |
Reply :
2 |
Code (PHP)
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$files[filemtime($file)] = $file;
// sort
// find the last modification
$reallyLastModified = end($files);
foreach($files as $file) {
$lastModified = date('F d Y, H:i:s',filemtime($file));
if(strlen($file)-strpos($file,".swf")== 4){
if ($file == $reallyLastModified) {
// do stuff for the real last modified file
echo "$file$lastModified";
Date :
2014-12-19 09:48:17 |
By :
.... |
หามาอีก stackoverflow ครับ ลอง apply ดู
Code (PHP)
function scan_dir($dir) {
$ignored = array('.', '..', '.svn', '.htaccess');
$files = array();
foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) {
if (in_array($file, $ignored)) continue;
$files[$file] = filemtime($dir . '/' . $file);
$files = array_keys($files);
return ($files) ? $files : false;
Date :
2014-12-19 10:51:46 |
By :
mr.win |
Load balance : Server 00