พอดีผมใช้โปรแกรมของ slim firmwork ครับ เพื่อดึงค่าจากฐานข้อมูลนำมาแสดงผลเป็นกราฟแล้วมันขึ้น error แบบนี้ครับ
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) in C:\xampp\htdocs\prosever\index.php on line 7
Code (PHP)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
$capsule = new Capsule;
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'database' => 'energy_room',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'xxxxxx',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'prefix' => '',
// Set the event dispatcher used by Eloquent models... (optional)
// use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
// use Illuminate\Container\Container;
// Make t his Capsule instance available globally via static methods... (optional)
// Setup the Eloquent ORM... (optional; unless you've used setEventDispatcher())
//link to mainsensor table
class light extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $fillable = ['lightin','lightout'];
public $timestamps = false;
//web page
$app= new \Slim\Slim();
// echo "hello, $name";
$app->get('/input',function() use ($app, $capsule) {
$lightin = $app->request->get('lightin');
$lightout = $app->request->get('lightout');
// echo "$temp,$co2";
//write to database
$book = new \light(array(
'lightin' => $lightin,
'lightout' => $lightout
echo $book->toJson();
$app ->get('/graph',function() use($app, $capsule){
$graph = new ezcGraphLineChart();
$graph->title = 'lightsensor';
$x = [];
//read to database
$m = \light::all();
foreach ($m as $row) {
$x["lightin"][$row["date"]] = $row["lightin"];
$x["lightout"][$row["date"]] = $row["lightout"];
// echo $m->toJson();
// echo $m->temp;
// echo " ";
// echo $m->co2;''
foreach ( $x as $language => $data )
$graph->data[$language] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( $data );
$graph->render( 1280, 600, 'tutorial_line_chart.svg' );
echo "<img src='tutorial_line_chart.svg' />";
Tag : PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Windows
ประวัติการแก้ไข 2015-08-10 18:53:44 2015-08-10 18:54:48
Date :
2015-08-10 18:52:35 |
By :
sheepdanger |
View :
1123 |
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2 |