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อยากจะทำให้ข้อความในเว็บมีปุ่มซ่อนและแสดง ขอคำแนะนำหน่อยคร้าบทุกท่าน


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<h2>Welcome to Thai Traditional Medicine Luangphopern Hospital</h2>
<p>Open for service Monday - Friday and Saturday - Sunday.
Closed on public holidays
Time 08.30 - 16.30
Call: 081-7229665
034-961113-9 ext. 129</p>
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<h2 class="text-center">About Thai traditional medicine</h2>
<p>Thai traditional medicine or traditional medicine Is health care in both normal conditions And abnormal conditions (disease) by using the theory of balance of various elements in the body and anatomy (anatomy) principles of medical science to explain. According to the principle of academic practice Evidence from the Ayutthaya period found that Thai traditional medicine has been obtained from Ayurveda in India as a major. By saying that Dr. Chiwok Komaraphat (Physician of the Lord Buddha) is the author of the medical scriptures. When Buddhism began to spread to Thailand The monks who spread Buddhism brought their knowledge of disease treatment to the villagers. Therefore it is integrated with Thai culture and way of life.</p>
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<h2>Thai massage</h2>
<p>Thai massage for healing / rejuvenation Diseases or illnesses of the musculoskeletal system such as shoulder patch, shoulder lock, office syndrome and paralysis - paralysis are also available for relaxation massage. Stimulate blood circulation Reduces muscle stiffness and reduces fatigue and tension.</p>
</section><!-- /.Thai massage -->

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<h2>Hot Herbal Ball</h2>
<p>Bringing fresh herbs or dried herbs to steaming heat and applying compresses on different parts of the body Most often popular compress after massage. The herbal compress will help promote the royal Thai massage. Provide better treatment results Both from herbal medicine and heat, the herbal compress is useful to stimulate blood circulation. Helps reduce swelling Relieve muscle inflammation Relieve body aches.</p>
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<h2>Herbal Steam</h2>
<p>Herbal steam is a method of healing and promoting health. According to the principles of Thai traditional medicine Using the principle of herbal steaming is to boil several kinds of herbs together, consisting of herbs with essential oils and herbal treatment for symptoms. Sour herbs are brought to a boil, steamed essential oils. And various volatiles contained in herbs will come into contact with the skin causing local effects. And inhale with the breath It affects the respiratory system and throughout the body.</p>
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<h2>Maternal Care After Childbirth</h2>
<p>Caring for women after childbirth There is a salt pot, body massage, herbal compress, herbal steam. Herbal bath Breast massage stimulates milk production in case of low milk flow. And with the use of herbal medicine Help to excrete amniotic fluid and nourish the blood.</p>
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<h2>Herbal Medicine</h2>
<p>Thai traditional medicine, Luang Por Pean Hospital offers herbal medicine to treat a variety of ailments such as flatulence. Stomach, sore throat, fever, cough, hemorrhoids and pain relievers extracted from chemical-free herbs. There is also brewed tea. Lowering blood sugar levels Reduce fat in the blood. Reduce the pressure in people with chronic diseases.</p>
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<h2>Breast Massage</h2>
<p>The opening of the milk ducts is a massage that opens the way for the milk to flow easily. Due to the blockage of the milk ducts, there is a large amount of milk remaining in the breast. This causes breast milk stiffness, stiffness, or stiffness in the breast. Kneading open the milk ducts will make the milk flow more easily.</p>
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<h2>Beauty Massage</h2>
<p>It is a massage for beauty and for helping to relax. Helps to improve skin complexion And also relieve muscle pain and fatigue from work Massage and spa are varied. Each form has different strengths such as essential oil massage, body scrub, body mask, facial beauty massage. Using natural products without chemicals.</p>
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<h2>Medical Cannabis Clinic</h2>
<p>It is a treatment using Thai traditional medicine that contains marijuana. For the treatment of specific diseases / conditions.</p>
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<p>Luangphopern Hospital
2 Moo 2, BangKaewfa Subdistrict, NakhonChaisi District, NakhonPathom Province 73120</br>
Telephone 0-3496-1113-9 Fax 0-3496-1113-9 </br>
E-mail: [email protected]</p>
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Date : 2021-02-05 15:05:24 By : punza2020




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