require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\TextToSpeech\V1\AudioConfig;
use Google\Cloud\TextToSpeech\V1\AudioEncoding;
use Google\Cloud\TextToSpeech\V1\SynthesisInput;
use Google\Cloud\TextToSpeech\V1\TextToSpeechClient;
use Google\Cloud\TextToSpeech\V1\VoiceSelectionParams;
$textToSpeechClient = new TextToSpeechClient();
$input = new SynthesisInput();
$input->setText('Japan\'s national soccer team won against Colombia!');
$voice = new VoiceSelectionParams();
$audioConfig = new AudioConfig();
$resp = $textToSpeechClient->synthesizeSpeech($input, $voice, $audioConfig);
file_put_contents('test.mp3', $resp->getAudioContent());
จริงๆ ใช้ google translate แล้วคลิกปุ่ม speaker เอาก็ได้
คำเตือน มือใหม่แนะนำเปลี่ยนงาน เพราะขนาด senior dev ของบริษัท ยังทำไม่เป็นเลย แต่ปัจจัยสำคัญคือค่าใช้จ่าย
"audioConfig": {
"audioEncoding": "LINEAR16",
"pitch": 0,
"speakingRate": 1
"input": {
"text": "Google Cloud Text-to-Speech enables developers to synthesize natural-sounding speech with 100+ voices, available in multiple languages and variants. It applies DeepMind’s groundbreaking research in WaveNet and Google’s powerful neural networks to deliver the highest fidelity possible. As an easy-to-use API, you can create lifelike interactions with your users, across many applications and devices."
"voice": {
"languageCode": "en-US",
"name": "en-US-Wavenet-D"