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HOME > SVN (Subversion) > B.5. Compare two revisions of a file or folder

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B.5. Compare two revisions of a file or folder

If you want to compare two revisions in an item's history, for example revisions 100 and 200 of the same file, just use TortoiseSVNShow Log to list the revision history for that file. Pick the two revisions you want to compare then use Context MenuCompare Revisions.

If you want to compare the same item in two different trees, for example the trunk and a branch, you can use the repository browser to open up both trees, select the file in both places, then use Context MenuCompare Revisions.

If you want to compare two trees to see what has changed, for example the trunk and a tagged release, you can use TortoiseSVNRevision Graph Select the two nodes to compare, then use Context MenuCompare HEAD Revisions. This will show a list of changed files, and you can then select individual files to view the changes in detail. You can also export a tree structure containing all the changed files, or simply a list of all changed files. Read Section 4.10.3, “Comparing Folders” for more information. Alternatively use Context MenuUnified Diff of HEAD Revisions to see a summary of all differences, with minimal context.

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