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5.4. COM interface

If you need to access Subversion revision information from other programs, you can use the COM interface of SubWCRev. The object to create is SubWCRev.object, and the following methods are supported:

Table 5.3. COM/automation methods supported

.GetWCInfo This method traverses the working copy gathering the revision information. Naturally you must call this before you can access the information using the remaining methods. The first parameter is the path. The second parameter should be true if you want to include folder revisions. Equivalent to the -f command line switch. The third parameter should be true if you want to include svn:externals. Equivalent to the -e command line switch.
.Revision The highest commit revision in the working copy. Equivalent to $WCREV$.
.Date The commit date/time of the highest commit revision. Equivalent to $WCDATE$.
.Author The author of the highest commit revision, that is, the last person to commit changes to the working copy.
.MinRevThe minimum update revision, as shown in $WCRANGE$
.MaxRevThe maximum update revision, as shown in $WCRANGE$
.HasModificationsTrue if there are local modifications
.Url Replaced with the repository URL of the working copy path used in GetWCInfo. Equivalent to $WCURL$.
.IsSvnItem True if the item is versioned.
.NeedsLocking True if the item has the svn:needs-lock property set.
.IsLocked True if the item is locked.
.LockCreationDate String representing the date when the lock was created, or an empty string if the item is not locked.
.LockOwner String representing the lock owner, or an empty string if the item is not locked.
.LockComment The message entered when the lock was created.

The following example shows how the interface might be used.

// testCOM.js - javascript file
// test script for the SubWCRev COM/Automation-object

filesystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

revObject1 = new ActiveXObject("SubWCRev.object");
revObject2 = new ActiveXObject("SubWCRev.object");
revObject3 = new ActiveXObject("SubWCRev.object");
revObject4 = new ActiveXObject("SubWCRev.object");

    filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName("."), 1, 1);
    filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName(".."), 1, 1);
    filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName("SubWCRev.cpp"), 1, 1);
    filesystem.GetAbsolutePathName("..\\.."), 1, 1);

wcInfoString1 = "Revision = " + revObject1.Revision +
                "\nMin Revision = " + revObject1.MinRev +
                "\nMax Revision = " + revObject1.MaxRev +
                "\nDate = " + revObject1.Date +
                "\nURL = " + revObject1.Url + "\nAuthor = " +
                revObject1.Author + "\nHasMods = " +
                revObject1.HasModifications + "\nIsSvnItem = " +
                revObject1.IsSvnItem + "\nNeedsLocking = " +
                revObject1.NeedsLocking + "\nIsLocked = " +
                revObject1.IsLocked + "\nLockCreationDate = " +
                revObject1.LockCreationDate + "\nLockOwner = " +
                revObject1.LockOwner + "\nLockComment = " +
wcInfoString2 = "Revision = " + revObject2.Revision +
                "\nMin Revision = " + revObject2.MinRev +
                "\nMax Revision = " + revObject2.MaxRev +
                "\nDate = " + revObject2.Date +
                "\nURL = " + revObject2.Url + "\nAuthor = " +
                revObject2.Author + "\nHasMods = " +
                revObject2.HasModifications + "\nIsSvnItem = " +
                revObject2.IsSvnItem + "\nNeedsLocking = " +
                revObject2.NeedsLocking + "\nIsLocked = " +
                revObject2.IsLocked + "\nLockCreationDate = " +
                revObject2.LockCreationDate + "\nLockOwner = " +
                revObject2.LockOwner + "\nLockComment = " +
wcInfoString3 = "Revision = " + revObject3.Revision +
                "\nMin Revision = " + revObject3.MinRev +
                "\nMax Revision = " + revObject3.MaxRev +
                "\nDate = " + revObject3.Date +
                "\nURL = " + revObject3.Url + "\nAuthor = " +
                revObject3.Author + "\nHasMods = " +
                revObject3.HasModifications + "\nIsSvnItem = " +
                revObject3.IsSvnItem + "\nNeedsLocking = " +
                revObject3.NeedsLocking + "\nIsLocked = " +
                revObject3.IsLocked + "\nLockCreationDate = " +
                revObject3.LockCreationDate + "\nLockOwner = " +
                revObject3.LockOwner + "\nLockComment = " +
wcInfoString4 = "Revision = " + revObject4.Revision +
                "\nMin Revision = " + revObject4.MinRev +
                "\nMax Revision = " + revObject4.MaxRev +
                "\nDate = " + revObject4.Date +
                "\nURL = " + revObject4.Url + "\nAuthor = " +
                revObject4.Author + "\nHasMods = " +
                revObject4.HasModifications + "\nIsSvnItem = " +
                revObject4.IsSvnItem + "\nNeedsLocking = " +
                revObject4.NeedsLocking + "\nIsLocked = " +
                revObject4.IsLocked + "\nLockCreationDate = " +
                revObject4.LockCreationDate + "\nLockOwner = " +
                revObject4.LockOwner + "\nLockComment = " +


The following listing is an example on how to use the SubWCRev COM object from C#:

using LibSubWCRev;
SubWCRev sub = new SubWCRev();
sub.GetWCInfo("C:\\PathToMyFile\\", true, true);
if (sub.IsSvnItem == true)
    MessageBox.Show("not versioned");

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