ในส่วนของ itext เขาให้ผมส่งโค้ดไปที่เขาเผื่อที่จะใช้งานได้ อันนี้ไม่แน่ใจนะครับ
(You are using iText under the AGPL.
If this is your intention, you have published your own source code as AGPL software too.
Please let us know where to find your source code by sending a mail to [email protected]
We'd be honored to add it to our list of AGPL projects built on top of iText or iTextSharp
and we'll explain how to remove this message from your error logs.
If this wasn't your intention, you are probably using iText in a non-free environment.
In this case, please contact us by filling out this form: http://itextpdf.com/sales
If you are a customer, we'll explain how to install your license key to avoid this message.
If you're not a customer, we'll explain the benefits of becoming a customer.)