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HOME > VBScript Manual > Execute Method

Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition 
Execute Method
 Language Reference 
Version 5 

See Also                    Applies to

Executes a regular expression search against a specified string.

The Execute method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. Always the name of a RegExp object.
string Required. The text string upon which the regular expression is executed.

The actual pattern for the regular expression search is set using the Pattern property of the RegExp object.

The Execute method returns a Matches collection containing a Match object for each match found in string. Execute returns an empty Matches collection if no match is found.

The following code illustrates the use of the Execute method:

Function RegExpTest(patrn, strng)
  Dim regEx, Match, Matches		' Create variable.
  Set regEx = New RegExp			' Create a regular expression.
  regEx.Pattern = patrn			' Set pattern.
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True			' Set case insensitivity.
  regEx.Global = True			' Set global applicability.
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng)	' Execute search.
  For Each Match in Matches		' Iterate Matches collection.
    RetStr = RetStr & "Match found at position "
    RetStr = RetStr & Match.FirstIndex & ". Match Value is '"
    RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value & "'." & vbCRLF
  RegExpTest = RetStr
End Function

MsgBox(RegExpTest("is.", "IS1 is2 IS3 is4"))

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