* Simple PHP application for using the Bing Search API
$acctKey = 'YourAccountKey';
$rootUri = 'https://api.datamarket.azure.com/Bing/Search';
// Read the contents of the .html file into a string.
$contents = file_get_contents('bing_basic.html');
if ($_POST['query'])
// Encode the query and the single quotes that must surround it.
$query = urlencode("'{$_POST['query']}'");
// Get the selected service operation (Web or Image).
$serviceOp = $_POST['service_op'];
// Construct the full URI for the query.
$requestUri = "$rootUri/$serviceOp?\$format=json&Query=$query";
// Encode the credentials and create the stream context.
$auth = base64_encode("$acctKey:$acctKey");
$data = array(
'http' => array(
'request_fulluri' => true,
// ignore_errors can help debug – remove for production. This option added in PHP 5.2.10
'ignore_errors' => true,
'header' => "Authorization: Basic $auth")
$context = stream_context_create($data);
// Get the response from Bing.
$response = file_get_contents($requestUri, 0, $context);
// Decode the response.
$jsonObj = json_decode($response);
$resultStr = '';
// Parse each result according to its metadata type.
foreach($jsonObj->d->results as $value)
switch ($value->__metadata->type)
case 'WebResult':
$resultStr .=
"<a href=\"{$value->Url}\">{$value->Title}</a><p>{$value->Description}</p>";
case 'ImageResult':
$resultStr .=
"<h4>{$value->Title} ({$value->Width}x{$value->Height}) " .
"{$value->FileSize} bytes)</h4>" .
"<a href=\"{$value->MediaUrl}\">" .
"<img src=\"{$value->Thumbnail->MediaUrl}\"></a><br />";
// Substitute the results placeholder. Ready to go.
$contents = str_replace('{RESULTS}', $resultStr, $contents);
echo $contents;