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HOME > PHP Manual > Runtime Configuration



Runtime Configuration

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

HTTP Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Description
http.etag.mode "MD5" PHP_INI_ALL The hashing algorithm used to generate the ETag. MD5, SHA1, and CRC32 are always available. If the hash xtension is enabled, any hashing algorithms this extension provides are available, too.
http.log.cache "" PHP_INI_ALL The path (or stream wrapper url) to a log file in which to write successful cache hits.
http.log.redirect "" PHP_INI_ALL The path (or stream wrapper url) to a log file in which to write redirects.
http.log.not_found "" PHP_INI_ALL The path (or stream wrapper url) to a log file in which to write "file not found" errors.
http.log.allowed_methods "" PHP_INI_ALL The path (or stream wrapper url) to a log file in which to write "allowed methods" violations.
http.log.composite "" PHP_INI_ALL The path (or stream wrapper url) to a log file in which to write all events.
http.request.methods.allowed "" PHP_INI_ALL Allowed request methods. If a client issues a request with a request method other than listed here, PHP exits with a status of "405 Method not allowed". See the INI setting http.force_exit for what "exits" means.
http.request.methods.custom "" PHP_INI_PERDIR|PHP_INI_SYSTEM Custom request methods. If you want to use any non-standard request methods, you can register them with this INI setting or http_request_method_register().
http.request.datashare.cookie "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share cookie information.
http.request.datashare.dns "1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share name lookup information.
http.request.datashare.ssl "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share SSL session information. This is not yet implemented in libcurl.
http.request.datashare.connect "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share connect information. This is not yet implemented in libcurl.
http.persistent.handles.limit "-1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM The maximum amount of persistent handles to keep alive.
http.persistent.handles.ident "GLOBAL" PHP_INI_ALL The ident of persistent handles.
http.send.inflate.start_auto "0" PHP_INI_PERDIR|PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether to automatically start the inflate output handler.
http.send.inflate.start_flags "0" PHP_INI_ALL Initialization settings for the inflate output handler.
http.send.deflate.start_auto "0" PHP_INI_PERDIR|PHP_INI_SYSTEM Whether to automatically start the deflate output handler.
http.send.deflate.start_flags "0" PHP_INI_ALL Initialization settings for the deflate output handler. See deflate constants.
http.send.not_found_404 "1" PHP_INI_ALL Whether to automatically exit with a status of "404 Not found", if http_send_file() was not able to find the specified file. See the INI setting http.force_exit for what "exits" means.
http.only_exceptions "0" PHP_INI_ALL Whether all notices/warnings/errors should be thrown as exceptions.
http.force_exit "1" PHP_INI_ALL Each occasion where "exits with a status of..." is mentioned, usually causes the halt of the scripting engine. Disable this option if you alternatively want to start a discarding (dev/null) output handler and continue script execution.

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