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Chapter 1. Getting Started

This section is aimed at people who would like to find out what TortoiseSVN is all about and give it a test drive. It explains how to install TortoiseSVN and set up a local repository, and it walks you through the most commonly used operations.

1.1. Installing TortoiseSVN

1.1.1. System requirements

TortoiseSVN runs on Windows XP with service pack 3 or higher and is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavours. The installer for 64-bit Windows also includes the 32-bit extension parts. Which means you don't need to install the 32-bit version separately to get the TortoiseSVN context menu and overlays in 32-bit applications.


If you're using Windows XP, you must have at least the service pack 3 installed. It won't work if you haven't installed that SP yet!

Support for Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows NT4 was dropped in version 1.2.0, and Windows 2000 and XP up to SP2 support was dropped in 1.7.0. You can still download and install older versions if you need them.

1.1.2. Installation

TortoiseSVN comes with an easy to use installer. Double click on the installer file and follow the instructions. The installer will take care of the rest. Don't forget to reboot after installation.


You need Administrator privileges to install TortoiseSVN.

Language packs are available which translate the TortoiseSVN user interface into many different languages. Please check Appendix G, Language Packs and Spell Checkers for more information on how to install these.

If you encounter any problems during or after installing TortoiseSVN please refer to our online FAQ at .

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